Formal documentation

Through the project, various pieces of documentation will be produced describing the progress and findings of the project. All formal documents created during the project will be made available here for public viewing.


A short video was taken of a typical testing setup to give a feel for the equipment being used. This is available for viewing is an 806kB WMV test setup video clip.

Interim Report

The interim report aims to clearly and concisely record the progress within the project. It was developed during the first semester, and brings together all findings so far. You may download a copy here.

Final Report

The final report is designed to describe progress since the interim report, being able to either stand alone or be used as a supplement to the interim report. An epilogue will be created at the end of the project to describe any changes since the final report. You may download a copy here. Related to the final report, the epilogue describes developments that happened after the final report deadline. A copy of the epilogue is available here.

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